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MAY WRAP UP: What I Read This Month

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Bibliophilia Book Reviews. In this post, I will be doing a wrap up of all the books I read in May. This month I read five novels, less than my monthly average, I know, but still. I think I did pretty good, considering that one of those novels is 900 pages long. Here’s what I think about all of them: 1.CLASSIC: The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky Dubbed the greatest novel ever written and Dostoyevsky’s masterpiece, the entire 900 pages of The Brothers Karamazov is a prelude to a second novel about Dostoevsky’s main character’s,…

APRIL WRAP UP: What I Read This Month

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Bibliophilia Book Reviews. In this post, I will be doing a wrap up of all the books I read in April. This month was a rather slow month for me, to be honest and I didn’t get to read as many books as I would’ve liked to or finish all the books I wanted to read this month. In fact, I only completed two books in April. But this doesn’t mean that I didn’t read any more. I had two DNFs this month and I didn’t get to finish the last one (though I did…

MARCH WRAP UP: What I Read This Month

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Bibliophilia Book Reviews. In this post, I will be doing a wrap up of all the books I read in March. This month I only read 3 books because I finally completed War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, a book I started in January and which I’d been meaning to read since college. 1. NONFICTION: Countdown 1945: The Extraordinary Story of the 116 Days that Changed the World by Chris Wallace I read this book because I read Hiroshima by John Hersey in February and I wanted to know why the President of the United…

FEBRUARY WRAP UP: What I Read This Month

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Bibliophilia Book Reviews. In this post, I will be doing a wrap up of all the books I read in February despite it being almost time for my March Wrap Up. Sorry about that. I read 8 books in February. Here’s what I think about each one of them. 1. HISTORICAL FICTION: The Alice Network by Kate Quinn This is the third book I have read by this author and I really liked it. The protagonist, Charlie St. Clair, is a young American college girl on her way to Europe to get an abortion. But…

JANUARY WRAP UP: What I Read This Month

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Bibliophilia Book Reviews. In this post, I will be doing a wrap up of all the books I read in January. This year I am changing my reading challenge a little bit to diversify my reading habits even more. A lot of the books I read last year had no prompt at all (26%), and the genres that I read the most were fantasy (25%) and nonfiction (26%). So this year, I am adding some prompts to focus more on the genres I am reading, but I am also eliminating others, like the BOTM prompt….

DECEMBER WRAP UP: What I Read This Month

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Bibliophilia Book Reviews. In this post, I will be doing a wrap up of all the books I read in December. This month is probably one of the few months of the year in which I managed to read 8 books. Unfortunately, not all were to my liking. Here goes: 1. NONFICTION: The Dark Queens by Shelley Puhak This book recounts the lives and feud of two Merovingian queens who reigned their respective kingdoms (in what today is France) during the Middle Ages. The first is Brunhild, who was queen of Austrasia for 46 years,…

NOVEMBER WRAP UP: What I Read This Month

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Bibliophilia Book Reviews. In this post, I will be doing a wrap up of all the books I read in November. This month I read more nonfiction books than fiction, and it is perhaps the one month in the entire year thus far where the books I read do not fulfill most (if any) of the prompts in my reading challenge. However, they were all very interesting reads. 1. CLASSIC: The Lost Stradivarius by J. Meade Falkner This is a short novel first published in 1895, and it has been deemed a “classic tale of…

OCTOBER WRAP UP: What I Read This Month

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Bibliophilia Book Reviews. As a preview to this monthly wrap up, I would like to say thank you to Kindlepreneur for adding Bibliophilia Book Reviews to their table of top-notch book review blogs to reach out to. Their ultimate list of the best book review blogs can be found here, and I recommend anyone that is interested to check it out. There are so many of us wanting to read good books. In this post, I will be doing a wrap up of all the books I read in October. This month I read five…

SEPTEMBER WRAP UP: What I Read This Month

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Bibliophilia Book Reviews. In this post, I will be doing a wrap up of all the books I read in September. This month I read five books. It was a rather slow reading month I’ll admit, and unfortunately I did not like two of those five books. Here are my thoughts on all of them: 1. NONFICTION: Unmasked by Paul Holes This book is the memoir of the retired cold case investigator Paul Holes and his relentless search for the Golden State Killer. I enjoyed this book, and the chapters in which the author relates…

AUGUST WRAP UP: What I Read This Month

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Bibliophilia Book Reviews. In this post, I will be doing a wrap up of all the books I read in August. This month is probably the one in which I read the least amount of books that fulfill my monthly reading challenge. I only completed three prompts, and two books of the six that I read this month were rereads. Also, this is the only month of the year thus far in which I read more nonfiction books than fiction. 1. NONFICTION: The Plantagenets: The Warrior Kings and Queens Who Made England by Dan Jones…